Sunday, March 31, 2013

Sábado Santo (Holy Saturday) in Madrid

One of the many processions of the holy week in Madrid
The procession of "Santísimo Cristo Yacente" leaves at around 4:30pm from el Real Monasterio de la Encarnación- Pza. de la Encarnación.

At the same time the procession of "Nuestra Señora de la Soledad" leaves the Saint Gines church, calle Arenal at around 4:30pm.
They will meet at Plaza de Ramales. The Virgin of the Solitude kneels showing respect to her Holy Son. The Virgin of the Solitude and the Christ face each other before continuing together the procession towards Plaza de Santiago.
Taking pictures in such a crowded ambiance is a challenge. You are pushed, people crossed in front of your lens .......
Anyway enjoy!

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