Where the best cured ham is produced (lien, enlace, link)
our way back from Portugal we decided not
to take the highway but
instead going through the beautiful Aracena
Mountains leading to the
village of Jabugo famous for its renowned
cured ham, the best in the world. Don't thing about Jabugo as a big
town, the population is about of 2,475 inhabitants located
in the province of Huelva.
is also known as
the jamón ibérico, produced from black
Iberian pigs, or cross-bred pigs as long as
they are at least 75% ibérico, also know under the name of Pata
qualities exist, the finest is called jamón ibérico de bellota
(acorn). This ham is from free-range pigs that roam oak forests
(called dehesas) along the border between Spain and Portugal, and eat
only acorns during this last period.
more detail, the entire village smells ham! Clik on the link to get
an idea of what the village looks like.
Where the best cured ham is produced (lien, enlace, link)
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