Saturday, October 27, 2012

Weekend with AEAC part 2

Calatrava La Nueva (link)

Calatrava la Nueva (Sacro-convento Castillo de Calatrava la Nueva) is a medieval castle and convent situated on the high hill across the valley of Alacranejo, within the municipality of Aldea del Rey, near Almagro, in the province of Ciudad Real, Spain.
Looking for a convenient location for a new headquarters the Brotherhood of Calatrava, a group of warrior monks whose aim was to drive the Muslims from the Spanish peninsula built Calatrava La Nueva. They moved in 1217
The castle was both a defensive structure as well as a monastery.
Thus, the original site became known as "Calatrava la Vieja" ("Old Calatrava") and the new site as Calatrava la Nueva (“New Calatrava”).
Across the valley on the opposite hill is another castle called Salvatierra, originally constructed in the 10th century by the Moors on the site of a Roman fort. (today privately owned.)
Confiscated by King Joseph (1808), re-established by Ferdinand VII at the Restoration (1814), the possessions of Calatrava were finally dissipated in the general secularization of 1838.The castle survived until then as such.


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